Find My Ancestor
If you know that your ancestor came from Favale di Malvaro, and you would like to know more about
your ancestors, please contact us using the CONTACT US tab. We have an extensive database of
ancestors that go back to the beginning of the San Vincenzo parish of Favale di Malvaro, and we would
be happy to share with you at no charge.
If you would like to search our database on your own, it is available on the FamilySearch website at
www.familysearch.org. You can open a free FamilySearch account. Most of the Favale ancestors are
listed in FamilySearch with the name that was on their civil birth document or their baptismal
document. If they were born in Italy, we use their Italian or Latin (before 1838) names. Many ancestors
had more than one given name, so it might be helpful for you to contact us.